Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Only in my dreams

I was thinking the other day about the "expectations" I had when the babies arrived. And I can't help but laugh at just how naive I was!! All I can say is that you live and you learn!

1) I thought the girls would sleep in a Pack 'N Play in our room until we transitioned them into their cribs. When they woke up to eat, I would feed them and put their sleepy little selves back down. What I learned: babies are surprisingly loud when they sleep, keeping everyone awake, and they don't always eat and go back to sleep. End result: after the first week, the Pack 'N Play was moved out to the living room where one adult slept on the couch and was "on duty" for a 4-5 hour stretch.

2) I thought that twins could quite possibly entertain each other when they got to a certain age. What I learned: nope. Mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa - they are much more fun. So we go about our day trying our hardest to keep not one, but two babies entertained...spend 10 minutes here, 5 minutes there, 15 minutes doing this, 10 minutes doing that. End result: not much in the way of housework gets done with only one adult in the house.

3) I thought that by a few months of age, babies would sleep through the night - or at least a good chunk of it. What I learned: I am both right and wrong. Alivia is still doing a wonderful job sleeping about 10 hours at a time. Adalyn still thinks every 3 hours is a good time frame. End result: very tired parents/grandparents.

4) I thought that babies ate a bottle and then would be done for a few hours. What I learned: some babies are snackers, and therefore, eat an ounce or two (what seems to be) every half hour! In their worlds, there's no such thing as taking 6-8 ounces at a time and not being hungry for 3-4 hours. The only exception is during the night. End result: Ummmmm, not sure.

I'm sure there are many more, but I'm drawing a blank. And the girls are ready for another form of entertainment.....

But really quick. Their sleepover was quite a success. The only minor issue was when Alivia woke up at about 6:30am. Dr L and her husband took her into bed with them to play for a little while. Poor thing looked to the left and saw Dr L. So she looked to the right and saw Dr L's husband. Then the big old lip came out (click here for reference) and she started wailing!! Little baby girl is used to playing in bed with MOMMY and DADDY when she wakes up in the morning...not "strangers."

Overall, I guess it was a good experience for them. And Nate and I got to sleep in until 9:15. Woo-hoo!! We think next time we might try convincing Dr L to take them for the entire weekend...or the whole week?! No, just kidding. I would miss them too much.

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