Sunday, October 6, 2013

Look who's walking!!

She's been taking a few steps here and there for WEEKS...she just didn't have any interest in actually walking.  Apparently, she just wanted to wait until she was pretty much proficient at walking before she would really attempt to do so!  Because today, she took off.  All the way down the hallway without falling.  All the way back.  Then we went outside because Addi and Livi wanted to go for a bike ride, so I put her in the stroller.  After quite a bit of grunting, I took her out of the stroller...yes, she wanted to walk.  She's definitely a walking machine now.

Here's the proof!!

Even though she was focusing, she knew the flash was coming!

So proud of herself.

A pause in the action to attempt a bathroom break-in.

Another little break...those tiny legs get tired!!

Jazz hands!!

Mom says just put your head down and go!

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