She's doing well. She's not the best of sleepers, but we've never had a good sleeper. So I'm pretty gosh darn used to this! Although she's doing better than she was just a week or so ago. I can deal with her waking up 4-6 times a night. What I was having a hard time with were the noises she was making at night. Now I know that babies moan and grunt in their sleep. But I've never known a baby to make as much noise as she did!! She would grunt and groan insanely loud for HOURS!!
There was a night sometime last week where she did it for 3 1/2 hours straight - from about 2:00-5:30am. And she was asleep the entire time!! It was something I was hoping and praying she would outgrow, and knock on wood, but she's been pretty quiet the past few nights. Still up at least four times...and like I said, I can handle that...just please be quiet in between the wakeups!!
She just started coo-ing a bit in the past couple of days. She doesn't do it a lot, but when she does, it's so stinking cute!! And anytime the big girls hear her do it they have to tell me "mommy, Emmi is talking!"
Sporting her "sock-shoes" as the girls call them.
Working hard at this tummy time stuff.
She was moving so fast (hence the blurriness) and playing with her tongue.
Do you think she saw a ghost?
One month old with her bunny.
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