Sunday, October 10, 2010

My little monkeys

The big girls go through phases where they hate bananas and want absolutely nothing to do with them.  And then they have their days where they simply can't get enough!  We recently found out that if we leave the peels on the bananas, they suddenly become more interesting!  They each downed about a banana and a half when we left the peels on for them.  So...out of a desperate desire to get the big girls to eat better, I kept this tactic in mind.  I went to the store and tried buying some Go-Gurt yogurt thinking that it would be more "fun" for them to eat it out of a tube than with a bowl and spoon.  Yeah, epic fail.  Still can't get them to touch yogurt with a 10 foot pole.  Ugh.  So the food battle continues.

Elli is fantastic.  She's pretty much a complete 180 from what the girls were.  Knock on wood, but she continues to sleep pretty well.  Last night she had an almost 5 hour stretch of sleep!  To put that into perspective, I have an almost two year old who still struggles to sleep for 5 hours straight!  As with any baby, she does have some fussy moments during the day, but overall, she's such a great baby.

However, because she doesn't cry that often, little Adalyn tends to get freaked out by it.  If the big girls are taking a nap or are in bed for the night and Elli has "a moment," Addi tends to wake up absolutely screaming.  So we usually have to get her in order to calm her down.  We have a white noise machine running in their room, but she's hearing Elli over that.  On the other hand, Livi sleeps right through it (thank God).  The odd thing is that Adalyn will sleep through Alivia's little whimpers and random musings in the middle of the night (the girl sometimes likes to carry on conversations at 2am), but she can't sleep through Elliana's cries.  I think it's simply because she's used to Livi's voice and cries, but she hasn't heard Elli cry enough quite yet...which I guess is kind of a good thing?!

In a complete change of subject, I'm stressing over 2 year pictures.  The girls are turning two in just a few days and I want to get our usual pictures taken of them together as well as them individually.  But I also want to get pictures taken of all three together and a nice family picture.  Trying to coordinate outfits is NOT easy!!  Ugh.  I was hoping to get all three girls into matching outfits, but I don't think it's going to happen.  So I'm still trying to throw something together in the next couple of weeks for them to wear...then comes the challenge of dressing Nate and myself as well!

Snoozin' in her swing.

Getting ready for a bath.

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