Thursday, April 15, 2010

Appointment day

So both the girls and I had appointments yesterday.

I had another OB appointment in the morning.  So far things are going really well.  My blood pressure was good and I'm currently up 3 pounds.  Dr L had to track down little Baby J.  She found him for a brief moment but then he escaped.  So she had to hunt him down again.  The heartbeat was sitting in the mid 150's.  I'm 90% positive that I've started to feel Baby J roll around in there.  I'm shocked that I'm feeling movement this early, but maybe it's because I know what it feels like from before!

And the best news of all...I'm not crazy.  You see, at 16 weeks, I feel like I'm as big as I was at 20 weeks or so with the girls.  Turns out, I AM measuring ahead.  I'm measuring more like I'm 20-21 weeks pregnant versus just 16.  Of course it brings back memories of how I always measured several weeks ahead when I was pregnant with the girls.  Dr L assured me that the girls just stretched me out so well last time that I might measure ahead for most of this pregnancy.  That's fine.  Just so long as they don't find a surprise extra baby in there at my next ultrasound in four weeks!!

Oh yes, we've decided that I will NOT be getting the progesterone shots.  They're really only indicated for women who've had a premature delivery...and I didn't.  I had a ton of preterm labor, but not a preterm delivery (yay!).  And there's really no research stating that the progesterone will prevent me from experiencing preterm labor again.  So we've decided not to go that route.

Anyway, the girls had their appointments in the afternoon.  They did so well.  We had to wait for an hour before we were seen by Dr K.  But they were content playing with the toys in the waiting room and then "exploring" what the office had to offer...a seat that spins, stirrups (haha), blood pressure cuff, etc.  And there weren't any shots, so that was awesome!  They're developing just fine.  My only concern was their picky eating and I questioned whether I should be giving them Pediasure.  But Dr K thinks that they're getting plenty of the things they need.

As for stats:

23 pounds 1 ounce and 32 1/4 inches

23 pounds 8 ounces and 32 3/4 inches

We know for a fact that their heights aren't accurate.  There's no way that Alivia's taller than Adalyn.  At most, they're the same height though I think Addi's probably about 1/4" taller than Livi.  But it's such an inexact science in how they're measured at this age.  So we'll just roll with it.

Bathtime fun with bubbles!

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