Saturday, August 23, 2008

What a wonderful surprise!!!

So today was supposed to be my baby shower in Marshfield. Obviously, it didn't happen because I am stuck at home on bedrest. Calls were made to the invitees (pretty much all relatives) to alert them that the shower was cancelled. And I will admit, I was kind of bummed that it wasn't taking place. Most mommies-to-be get to celebrate their babies' impending arrival...and well, I just feel like it is something I missed out on.

Well wouldn't ya know it, some of the party came to me today!! I knew my mom and sister-in-law, Chelsea, were going to come visit today because my dad and brother are in a golf tournament. They arrived at about 11:00, we chatted for about 10 minutes, and then all of a sudden, my aunt Kathy walks into the living room. Then my grandma a few seconds later!! And then my great-aunt Mae! Mom said the look on my face was priceless. Because they were trickling in so slowly, I immediately asked who else they might be hiding outside! Ha!

So we just had a small party. Mostly just talked about how I am feeling and doing. We opened some gifts, we ate food from Panera Bread, and mom had brought along a Dairy Queen absolute favorite cake!!

Needless to say, I was shocked. And so very grateful. It really broke up the monotony of my day, and made me feel better that these babies did get to have a small celebration in honor of them. I'm getting teary now! It just meant a lot to me. I definitely would have loved to have a full shower at the house, but I think all of the excitement would have set off contractions. So it was just better this way -- keeping it small and low-key.

The only picture I have of gift opening. Mom has the rest.

30 week picture. Measuring at 36 weeks!

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