Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The day we found out

So I'm backtracking a little bit to the day we found out we were expecting. Actually, I found out a couple days before I made the announcement to Nate...

On February 20th, a Wednesday morning, I decided that I was going to take a test just for the heck of it. It was still pretty early, so I didn't have my hopes up too high. So I took the test, left it in the bathroom and returned after the allotted time. I thought that *maybe* there was a faint line there. I stared at it and stared at it. Finally I concluded that I was just seeing things. When you want something so badly, it's pretty easy to hallucinate!! It's like being stranded in a desert and seeing a watering hole (not that I've ever been stranded in a desert...but you get my drift).

The next morning, I tested again. I took the test and left it in the bathroom. When I returned, I thought that I was seeing a faint line again! But it still wasn't a dark line like I had hoped. So I was kind of disappointed. I decided that I probably waited too long and that the line was just an evaporation line. So another test, and another "iffy" result.

The next day, Friday, February 22nd, I tested yet again. And again, there was a faint line (or so I thought). I decided I had had enough of trying to read lines and drove to the store to get a test that would spell it out for me -- "pregnant" versus "not pregnant". I got home, immediately took the test and decided to watch as it processed the info. Within 30 seconds, it said PREGNANT!! I just smiled and began devising a plan as to how I was going to tell Nate. I had the day off, so I had some time...

Nate called me and asked if I wanted to meet him for lunch during his break. It was soooo hard keeping the secret from him! But I already knew what I was going to do to tell him. So after lunch, I drove to the store to get a cake and some frosting. I brought the cake home and spelled out "Congrats Daddy" on the cake with the frosting. When he called telling me that he was on his way home, I told him that when he got home, he was not allowed to go into the fridge because I was busy in the kitchen all day making him a surprise. He agreed.
When he got home, he went to take a shower. I got the cake out and put it on the counter and put the pregnancy test in front of the cake. When he was done showering I made him close his eyes and I lead him out to the kitchen and sat him down on the stool. I then backed up with the camera, counted to 3 and told him to open his eyes. The first thing he did was LAUGH!! Later I found out this was because his first thought was "she didn't make this cake!" Haha (and yes, he was right). And then he finally read what was ON the cake, took a second to process it, and then yelled "are you serious!? Oh my God!" It was priceless. Needless to say, I didn't catch that moment on the camera because I snapped the picture right when he opened his eyes, thinking that would be the best reaction.

The giggle.

The shock.

Of course we had to do a re-enactment of his best reaction. Oh...my...God!

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