Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So I completely forgot to write about the most amusing comment I've heard so far during this pregnancy. A little over a week ago now, I was at work at the hospital. Everyone knows that I'm pregnant and that we're expecting twins. There is one lady there who I really do like; however, she can be so brash at times. Anyway, I went to get some water out of the kitchen and as we were walking out, she said to me..."well, your ass has sure gotten bigger!" Ummm, thanks? At that point I had gained about 1 pound during the entire pregnancy. Could she really tell that it had gone to my ass?

Now let me tell you. This pregnant lady is not afraid to fire back. Fortunately, I didn't this time. But it was oh so tempting. I have a few quips of my own, but I kept them to myself. I easily could have said "yup, and your mouth is expanding at the same rate as my ass." And there are a few that are not quite so nice, but I didn't say those either. I do try to control myself...because I don't know, it's polite?

So here's what I know. I know that I'm pregnant and therefore, have to gain weight. I also know that I'm pregnant with twins and therefore, have to gain more weight than the average pregnant woman. I'm a smart chicky. I have that all figured out. What I don't need is for people telling me where every pound I gain has decided to make its residence. If my ass happens to grow at a faster rate than my belly, so be it. If my face takes the brutal end of the weight gain, then that is how it will be. I need to gain weight, and that is the bottom line. I don't need to be made aware of where it has gone...because I'm pretty sure by looking in the mirror, I can figure it out myself (again, I'm a pretty smart chicky!).

Rant done.

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