Wednesday, August 7, 2013

She's growing, growing, growing!!

Emmi had her one year appt on Monday. She's now 20lbs 9oz and 30 1/2 inches. Growing like a weed, but still long and skinny. She only cried for a few seconds with her shots. And she just flinched when she had a finger poke done for labs. She was more interested in why this strange lady was squeezing her finger and watching what was coming out of it!!

Developmentally, she's right on track.  Not really talking a whole lot though.  In fact, I think she started saying "mama" for real within the past week or so.  But that's about it.  I'll blame her older sisters for never letting her have a chance to speak!!  Haha.  Her fine motor skills are above average and she's a great problem solver.  As for gross motor development, she's SOO close to walking!!  She's fairly comfortable now just hanging on to my finger with only one hand.  The other hand is usually pointing us in the direction she wants to go!!  It won't be long now and then she'll be off!

She really, really enjoys shutting doors right now.  She's a little stinker that way.  The other day, she crawled into my room and I heard the door close.  So I walked down the hallway and slowly opened it up to let her out.  Not 3 minutes later, I heard another door close.  This time, she shut herself into her own room.  So again, I opened the door for her.  And not long after, she went into the bathroom and shut the door.  That's a daring move because the light was off and there isn't a window in that bathroom!  She's obviously not afraid of the dark yet!!

Overall...she's healthy, happy and...perfect, of course.

Some sweetness.

Some sass.

Such a little beauty.

And yes, sometimes she's a health nut (helping me pick raspberries).

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