Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ear infection #1

And so it begins.  Emmi was diagnosed with her first ear infection on Sunday.  Poor girl put in a pretty restless night that night but I didn't think too much about it because it's not completely out of the ordinary for her to have an "off" night.  But shortly after waking up for the day, she started crying.  And just the way she was crying was so different than her hunger, tired, bored or I need a cuddle type of cry.

So I decided to be *that* parent and take my baby in to be seen for no reaosn other than "fussy baby."  No fever, no tugging on the ears, no vomiting...nothing.  Just fussy.  But I'm so glad I did because she actually had a bilateral ear infection.  The right eardrum is actually bulging, so there's some fluid behind that one.  The left ear is infected, but no fluid.

Poor baby girl.  I knew something was wrong when she cried...which is so uncharacteristic of her.  She may get fussy, but she rarely flat out cries.  So now we know.  I seriously despise ear infections.  We went through sooo many of them with Addi.  I'm hoping Emmi doesn't become my next ear tubes baby.  Ugh. 

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