Sunday, December 9, 2012

The house is eerily quiet...

Because the twins aren't here!!  Even with little Emmi really, really finding her voice the past couple of days, the house is still pretty gosh darn quiet.

We had a family reunion in my hometown yesterday.  And this morning, we came back home with Emmi and the twins stayed with Grandma and Grandpa L.  They have a day of vacation to use up at daycare before the end of the year, so they're staying with grandma and grandpa until late Tuesday afternoon.  If we don't use the day of vacation, we just lose it.  So we might as well try to save a little bit of money by keeping them out for that day!

Leading up to this weekend, I was excited to have a couple nights where I didn't have to battle night time routine, play referee, hear the word "mommy" more times in an hour than I can even count, etc.  But now that we're back home and the twins were left behind...I miss them terribly!

I've called my mom at least four times today to check in on how they're doing.  Do they miss us?  Are they behaving?  Are they having fun?  At one point today, I guess Addi said that she "wants her mommy."  So grandma told her that they could load her stuff up and take them back which she promptly replied with a big fat no.  I guess she doesn't miss me quite that much!

We're in the middle of a snowstorm, so earlier today they went outside to play in the snow for the first time this winter.  They "cooked" grandma and grandpa some macaroni and cheese and hotdogs.  They took a two and a half hour nap...which probably had a lot to do with how late they were up last night because they didn't want to leave the reunion and all of their "friends" (i.e. cousins).  The last I checked in, they were stealing spaghetti and meatballs off of grandpa's plate. 

Overall, they're having a blast.  But I can honestly say that I'll be anticipating their arrival back home.  On Tuesday, I'll take Emmi to daycare as normally scheduled and by the time Nate and I get back from work, the twins will be home!  I can't wait to hear all the stories they'll have to tell about their weekend away at grandma and grandpa's!!

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