Monday, November 12, 2012

One paycheck in the books!

So I've finished out my first two weeks of work.  The first week, Emmi was left home with my mom while the big girls went to daycare.  The second week Emmi went to daycare with them (obviously in the infant room).  And then on Saturday and Sunday Nate was home alone with all three!!

Emmi's first day of daycare didn't go as well as I was hoping.  Per the teachers, her day actually wasn't bad...but when I saw that she had a couple periods of fussing on her report sheet, I worried that her day was awful.  It's probably because I'm just used to a baby who rarely fusses.  So any fussing at all equates to a rough day in my mind I guess.  But the teachers assured me that her day was actually quite good.  She's taking about 7-8oz of milk total while she's there.  About 4-5 little snacks.  And she's doing her typical catnapping throughout the day. 

The big girls get to go visit her a couple times a day.  Their rooms are actually just right across the hall from each other.  So it's not a far trip.  But they go in there to show her some sisterly love and affection.  However, they sometimes get sidetracked by the toys in the then they get shipped back to their big kid room!!

Mornings can be a little rough getting everyone ready.  Of course on Emmi's first day of daycare, it had unexpectedly snowed, so I was frantically searching for snowpants and boots to take along.  Which means that day, I had to get three kids into the building, two backpacks, a bag with the snowpants and boots, the bag that had their sleeping bags in it, the diaper bag with nuks, bottles and a change of clothes, and another bag with Emmi's diapers, wipes and the blanket that will just stay at daycare.  Three kids and six bags.  Whew!  I kind of felt like I put in a whole day's worth of work before I even got to work!!

Emmi is getting stronger and stronger every day.  She can hold her head up so well during tummy time.  And she's now a very proficient roller.  So whenever she decides she's done with tummy time, she simply rolls onto her back.  Easy as pie.  She smiles all the time...except for if you put a camera in front of her face.  Then she clams up.  Such a stinker.  And she's really beginning to giggle now, too.  Even though this is our fourth baby, it's completely and utterly amazing how quickly they reach these milestones.

1 comment:

KG said...

Again, I find myself laughing out loud while reading your blog! I can just see you walking into daycare with all that stuff PLUS the kids! It is quite amusing! :)