Sunday, March 18, 2012

March = not fun

I'm wondering if we can just skip the month of March next year.  Seriously.  This is the third March in a row that the girls gave gotten pretty gosh darn sick.  The only March they were immune was when they were five months old.  But at a year and a half, two and a half, and three and a half...March has hit this house hard.

It's always the same stubborn fevers that I seem to be treating!  Last March was awful because between all three girls, I treated fevers for 11 days straight.  This past week, I treated Addi for three days, then we had a little reprieve.  I was just waiting, waiting, waiting.  I know the routine in this house by now.  Addi gets sick first and shares it with Livi.  Sometimes Livi lags behind by a day, sometimes it's upwards of four days.

Sure enough, two days later, I was treating Livi's fevers for four days.  They both had coughs, fevers, body aches, etc.  Definitely not fun.  The coughs still linger but we can handle those!  Just glad that we're done with that other junk.

So everyone is healthy now, knock on wood.  And it was just in time for the brilliantly wonderful weather we had this weekend.  We reached the 80s!!  In Wisconsin!!  Just craziness.  I had to work all weekend, but Nate had the girls in the backyard pool both yesterday and today.  Unfortunately, the camera battery died, so there aren't any pictures to share.  I can't believe we're swimming outside in the middle of March.  This definitely hasn't been a normal winter... but we won't complain!

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