Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The blog has been quiet

And that's because I continue to be quite sick.  Bummer, right?  I think the baby missed the memo stating that the second trimester is supposed to bring much needed relief from the troublesome early pregnancy symptoms.  And since I'm 12 weeks today, starting the second trimester or quickly approaching it (depending on which book you read), I should be feeling much, much better.

Nope.  Not yet.  In fact, to honor the 12 week mark, I had the pleasure of actually throwing up this evening.  Outside of the stomach bug that hit our house right after Christmas, I haven't done that yet.  My morning sickness has pretty much been a general feeling of queasiness with a whole lot of dry heaving...especially if I ate something that didn't entirely agree with me.

But today, as I should be moving on to the enjoyable part of pregnancy, I was sicker than I've been this entire pregnancy.  I'm still trying to stay positive.  I'm keeping everything humanly possible crossed that this is not one of those pregnancies where I'll continue to be sick up until the day I deliver.  I'm hoping that sweet relief is not too far off.

So I'll blog when I can. 


Cee said...

Awe poor mama! It'll get better eventually, and it's totally worth it too :) thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

You've already tried saltines for
relief, I assume ... they helped
me (somewhat!) 50 years ago, when
I was pregnant with my twins :D))