Friday, January 14, 2011

Breaking News!!!

No, not pregnant.  Figured I'd start with that.

1) Adalyn slept through the night for 6 straight nights!

2) Elli had her 4 month appt and is long, long, long.

3) Elli will hopefully be sleeping in her own crib tonight!

So yeah.  Addi continued her great sleeping habits for six straight nights.  Amazing!  She was going to bed around 7:30pm (with Livi, of course) and waking up between 6:30-700am.  Way to go baby girl!!  And kudos to you, Miss Liv, for your continued efforts.  Your sister might finally be catching on to what you've known for quite some time...sleep is good!

Elli had her appt a couple days ago.  My "little" girl is off the charts!  She weighed in at 14lbs 8oz and she's 26 1/4 inches long!!  Holy smokes!  That puts her at greater than the 97th percentile for length.  I knew there had to be a reason I moved my not quite 4 month old into 6-9 month sleepers.  At least I now have confirmation that I wasn't losing my mind when I thought her little toes didn't fit into her 3-6 month sleepers anymore.  Though I was stuffing them in there anyway because I thought it simply couldn't be right...but it is.  Long, long, long baby. 

Dr K is very, very impressed with her overall development.  It was a very quick appt because I didn't have any concerns to address and neither did Dr K.  Though she did say that the reason Elli may be sleeping so terribly (waking every 2 hours, sometimes less, rarely more) is because she's growing so incredibly fast.  Hopefully once she slows down a bit in the growth department, she'll start sleeping better.

And speaking of sleep, tonight is the first night we're going to try to get Elli to sleep in her own room.  Up until now, she's been sleeping in our room.  She already had a little taste of it this afternoon when she took a 25 minute nap in there (yes, welcome to the world of Elli's cat naps!).  So we'll see how it goes.  I figure I'll let her sleep in there for the first couple of wake ups.  And then after that, I'll probably bring her back to our room - let's face it, when she's waking up at night as often as she is, it's simply easier to have her close.  So we'll trial it for a bit tonight and we'll just continue to work on the transition into her own room.  Wish us luck!

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