Saturday, September 11, 2010

The waiting game begins

I'm officially done with work until after my maternity leave.  My last day was on Thursday.  So now the waiting game begins.  I'm hoping Baby J decides to make his entrance sooner rather than later just because I don't want to waste several weeks being off of work with no baby!

I purchased one package of newborn diapers.  I didn't want to buy too many because I'm still thinking that I'm going to have a gigantic baby and won't even really need newborn diapers.  But I wanted a few on hand just in case.  And ummm, I'm not sure how we're going to diaper this baby without breaking him!!  They seem sooooo tiny!  I know we did it with the girls and everything.  And they were actually in newborn size for over 6 weeks I think.  But man!  I just don't know how we're going to diaper that little butt!

The newborn diaper compared to the girls' size 4.

I also bought three newborn outfits for little boys and two for little girls.  Nate and I just have to decide which outfit we like the best for the baby to come home in.  If the baby is a boy, we *might* keep the other outfits (depending on how big he is).  But if the baby is a girl, she really won't need anymore clothes since we have so many outfits and sleepers from when the girls were newborns.

Speaking of the girls.  With the change in weather we've had, I had to do some clothes shopping for them.  With all this shopping I've been doing, you'd think I actually like it...yeah, I don't.  But the girls needed some fall clothes.  We tried putting their spring clothes on them since their birthday is just a month away and they'll probably get more clothes then.  But their pants looked like high water pants and their shirts showed off their little bellies.  Everything is simply too small.  What's frustrating is that they're wearing 2T in some things and 3T in others!  And THAT is why I don't like shopping.  It wouldn't be such a painful experience for me if all sizes were the same across the matter the brand.  So I have several returns I have to make.  Blech.  But the good news is that the girls are now outfitted for the cooler weather that made its entrance.

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