Thursday, July 8, 2010

All is well in Pregnant Land

For the most part at least!!  I had quite the day lined up yesterday.  It started with having lab work done to test for gestational diabetes and anemia.  After that, I had an appointment with Dr L.  I'm measuring at 28 1/2 weeks, which is exactly what I am!  She was a bit concerned about the frequency of my contractions, so she performed another Fetal Fibronectin test.  I had two of them done while I was pregnant with the girls.  It's a very good indicator of preterm labor.  If the test comes back negative, there's a 99% chance that the baby will not be born for at least another 1-2 weeks.  Anyway, after that, I headed to ultrasound where I thought they were just going to be measuring the exit out.  I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that they were going to look at and measure the baby too!

So all of the good news first...I found out today that the Fetal Fibronectin did indeed come back negative!  Yay!  So little Baby J should be staying put for at least a couple weeks yet.  The ultrasound revealed that the exit out is actually better than it was a few weeks ago!  After a few measurements, the average length was 4.1cm.  So that's awesome.  The baby looks absolutely fantastic.  He was practicing his breathing a lot, sucking on the back of his arm, and his heartrate was perfect - in the mid 150s.  Oh yes, and he was actually measuring quite large at 3lbs 2oz!!  For comparison, the girls were measuring 2lbs 9oz and 2lbs 11oz at this exact same time.  So this baby is GINORMOUS!

And now for the not so great, but not terrible news.  In addition to finding out the results of my Fetal Fibronectin, I also found out today that I failed my preliminary gestational diabetes test.  The number had to be below 140 and mine came back at 146.  What a bummer.  So I have to go back on Tuesday for the 3 hour test.  I will have to fast for 8-10 hours and they will draw my blood right when I get there.  Then I'll drink a sugary solution that has double the carbs of the one I drank yesterday.  Oh goodie.  After that, they'll draw my blood 1hr, 2hrs, and 3hrs post ingestion of my yummy, tangy drink (that's sarcasm just in case you didn't catch on)!  Keep your fingers crossed that I pass!  The other not so great news is that this baby is sitting very, very breech.  He has his legs crossed in front of him sitting right on top of the exit out with his little head up under my ribs.  In fact, he's so curled up with his legs rather pretzel-like that Paula couldn't even double check the gender (not that we want to know, but Paula sure did!).  He's been this way for over two weeks now and I'm a little worried that he's getting very comfortable in that position.  I know he has plenty of time to turn into the optimal delivery position of being head down...but the longer he sits in this same position, the more I fear that he's making his permanent home that way!  Let's hope not. 

The one positive about Baby J sitting breech is that he's not putting any pressure on the exit out.  I think that's why my measurements have always been great during this pregnancy.  With the girls, Addi got stuck head down by 18 weeks.  And the constant pressure of her little head made the exit out start to buckle.  So I guess I have to look on the bright side and realize that this baby might be helping me avoid bedrest by staying breech for a while (just please don't stay that way all the way up to delivery...mommy doesn't need nor want a C-section)!!

Next appointment will be in 2 weeks.  But first I have to survive my lab work next week!  Ugh.

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