Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi again -- I just want to comment on your slight concern (if that's what it was) about your girls' language development. My girls did at least a little bit of that 'private' lingo ... I finally deciphered some of it, and it was a hoot. The example I remember clearly -- even now, 46+ years later! -- was when they'd invented a new game for themselves, which involved taking turns (believe it or not!) and they were shouting out whose turn was next, amidst the uproarious giggling and laughter that accompanied the game. I was SO proud of myself when I finally figured out what they were saying :D))

I also want to tell you about an article which I just saw online, from the NY Times (either yesterday's or today's) that I expect you'll find at least somewhat useful. It's by Perri Klass, whose name may be familiar to you already. Here's its URL:

Enjoy :D))

-- dhsh (of mfld)