Wednesday, January 13, 2010

15 months

The girls had their 15 month appointment yesterday.  As always, the doctor is very happy with their progress.  I must admit that I was a little concerned about their language development - or lack thereof.  Adalyn has a handful of words she knows and says fairly consistently.  But sometimes she'll then go a week without saying much of anything intelligible.  And then there's Alivia...she's pretty fluent in foreign languages, but doesn't say much of anything else. 

Dr K assured us that they're doing just fine and that on average, twins tend to develop good language skills a bit later than the average toddler.  She asked us if they "talk" to each other and seem to understand what they're saying.  And when I thought about it, they really do.  I remember blogging about how they babble back and forth to each other for a good 15 minutes from their cribs when they wake up in the morning.  You can hear the dialogue going back and forth and back and forth.  She said it's common for twins to develop their own little language that they understand between each other and that they'll soon be saying plenty of words/phrases that we can understand.  So I guess it's just the mommy in me that's worrying.

Anyway, here are their 15 months stats:

21lbs 6oz - 29th percentile
30 3/4 inches - 70th percentile

22lbs - 39th percentile
30 3/4 inches - 70th percentile

We think the length measurements are a bit off.  Either Alivia is shorter than what they measured her to be or Adalyn is longer.  When they stand side by side, Adalyn definitely has a height advantage.  I'm guessing they short changed Addi because she dropped from the 85th to 90th percentile down to the 70th.  Whereas Alivia has stayed pretty consistent between the 70th to 75th percentiles.  If I were to venture a guess, I think Adalyn's probably about 31 1/2 inches long.  Hmmm, maybe I'll have to measure the girls.  Again, it's my Type A personality emerging.  A bit perfectionistic.

So yeah, all is well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time to pick out a door-jamb to measure heights on
... if you want it to be portable, glue a yardstick to
the jamb (so you can 'take it with you' if/when you
ever move out of your current house).

-- dhsh (mfld)