Monday, May 4, 2009

Look what we did today!!!

We went to the park for the very first time! It was such a beautiful day out that we couldn't resist taking the girls to the park. They seemed to really enjoy the adventure. So I think we will be spending a whole lot of time there this summer.

Swinging like such big girls!

We do everything together!

Weeeeeeeee!! Slides are fun!

Now hopefully the weather will actually stay nice out so we can make this a fairly routine thing. I think the girls appreciated the fresh air. Let's face it, they were born in mid-October. Shortly thereafter, the cold weather hit. So we have been cooped up in the house for far too long.

Plus mommy needs some sunshine! I had to get a new drivers' license a couple weeks ago because mine was set to expire. My previous picture was taken when we got back from our honeymoon in May 2007. The difference between the two was amazing!! Not that I ever get a whole lot of color in me....but OH...MY...GOSH. I guess it's to be expected since the last time I saw the sun was the summer of 2007. I essentially missed the summer of 2008 due to laying on my couch. So this mommy hasn't really seen the sun in two years!

Oh yes, and you may notice the difference in the appearance of the blog. I am playing around with some different color schemes. When I was pregnant, I was trying to keep things as gender neutral and ambiguous as possible. But since we now have two little girlies, I figured it's about time I make it LOOK a little more girly! So things may change around a bit for the next couple of weeks till I find something I am 100% happy with. Hope you like it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the two-in-one-swing procedure :D))

-- dhsh (your mfld fan)