Friday, October 3, 2008

11 pounds

That's how much the babies' combined weight is estimated to be. Baby A is estimated at 5#4oz and Baby B is estimated at 5#12oz. As always, "A" is sooo low that it was impossible to get an accurate head measurement. In fact, Baby A is so far down in the birth canal that Paula actually said "I'm surprised that this baby hasn't shot out of you yet! Or just fallen out!" And yes, I think everyone is surprised.

Paula gave both Nate and me a big hug before we left and made us promise that we would bring the babies in to see her. She is the only one who knows what the sexes are. And she has been fantastic at not letting it slip! She actually told us that she would love to be a little fly on the wall during the delivery so she could see our reactions.

In other news, I don't think I ever mentioned this, but the babies have become hiccup kings/queens! At least 4-5 times a day for about the last six weeks, each baby will take its turn getting the hiccups for at least 10 minutes. In fact, Baby B just started up again as we speak. It will be really interesting to see if they hiccup a lot when they are born.

Tomorrow marks 36 weeks, which was my ultimate goal from the very beginning. And I will officially be off of bedrest...after 67 long days. Otherwise, I'm still hanging in there, as miserable as I am. The babies just don't know that a green light means GO!!!

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