Wednesday, June 13, 2012


That's the grade I got at my OB appointment today.  I'm exactly 30 weeks now and everything is going smoothly.  They verified that I passed all of my lab work from two weeks ago.  My blood sugar after my glucose test could not have been more perfect...96.  So no three hour test for this lady - hip hip hooray!!  My hemoglobin, urine, and liver function tests were all within normal limits.  Yay as well.

My blood pressure today was a bit lower than my normal.  It was 88/62 which would explain why I've been a little bit on the dizzy side the past few days.  Baby's heart rate was sitting at 144 and I'm measuring exactly 30 weeks.

Dr L thinks that this little baby might be sitting breech right now but she's not concerned.  She said that most babies will choose to settle into a head down position by about 34 weeks.  But they don't start to worry about a baby being breech till 37 weeks or so.  So we still have plenty of time.  I actually think that she's been head down for a good chunk of time based on where I usually feel her hiccups...which happen many, many times a day.  It's just been in the past couple of days that I've been feeling the hiccups above my belly button.  So I'm sure she'll figure it out and go back head down in time!!

Another OB appointment in two weeks.  We're closing in on the end!!

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