Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Quick medical update

Addi's ear tube surgery was a success!!  One of the hardest parts about the day was not letting her eat anything after midnight or drink anything after 4am.  I was hoping that she wouldn't wake up too early in the morning otherwise she would've been begging for breakfast or for a snack, which would've forced me to put her in the car and drive around town until we could check in!

Anyway, we checked in at 7:45am.  We met with a couple nurses, the anesthesiologist and the doc.  She was finally taken back to surgery at 9:12am and I was able to see her again at 9:27am!! Talk about quick!  She was very, very sad coming out of anesthesia.  But that's pretty's a pretty disorienting experience.  The doc said the procedure was flawless.  He sucked a lot of very thick fluid out from behind her eardrums, so she's on some antibiotic drops for the next couple of days to make sure that the thick fluid doesn't clog the brand new tubes.  We'll have her post-op visit in 2 weeks.  Hope it's all good news!!

And then yesterday, both of the girls had their 2 1/2 year check up.  I learned my lesson from their 2 year appointment and I took them at separate times!!  Six months ago, it was an awful experience.  If one cried, the other cried.  And Elli was along (she was just a wee little 1 month old then), so she cried too.  Ummm, mom and dad ran out of arms to hold crying children!!  The nurse had to jump in to rescue Elli.  But yeah, I took the girls at different times to avoid them feeding in to each other and it also provided some good one on one time with mom!!

Both of the girls are 37 inches tall (90th percentile).  Addi weighed 28lbs 10oz (50th percentile) and Livi weighed 29lbs 9oz (60th percentile).  I find that to be rather interesting for a couple of reasons.  One, Livi feels much heavier when you pick her up.  I would've guessed there would be about a 3 pound difference.  Though I have that thought at every single appointment and she's never even been 1 1/2 pounds bigger!!  The biggest difference between them was actually at their 2 year check and it was only 1#4oz.  Aaaanyway, I expected Livi to weigh much more than Addi, but she didn't.  She never does.  Apparently 15 ounces can be deceiving.  Which is the other thing that's kind of interesting...15 ounces is what separated them at birth!  Awww.

Per Dr K, they're "perfect."  Which became the new word of the day as I was leaving the clinic with both of them.  We walked hand in hand as they each proclaimed "perfect!" all the way to the car.  Which is also rather interesting since they weren't together for this appointment, yet they both picked up on that word and decided to announce it over and over and over!  I guess they really ARE twins!!

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