Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa Success

Well we were finally able to see Santa on Tuesday.  We weren't quite sure if it would be possible.  We got there around 3:45pm and they already had the sign up saying that Santa would be taking his break from 5-6pm.  So being the non-rule followers that we are, we ducked under the ropes and got in line.  Five minutes later, Santa's little helper came to the end of the line, asked us how we were doing, and moved the sign closer to us.  Whew.

Ten minutes later, Santa's little helper came back.  Only this time, there were 3 more sets of people in line behind us.  She graciously told them that Santa would be back at 6pm and that they were more than welcome to come back at that time -- that we were the last people who would be seeing Santa before he took a break to feed his reindeer.

Fast forward another 10-15 minutes, she came to move the sign again and there was a mom and daughter in line behind us.  She told them that we were the last people in line.  After an hour and a half of waiting, we were finally able to sit on the jolly old man's lap.  I have no idea why Santa's helper was so nice to us.  I'm almost certain she knew that we were in fact *not* in line when she first put the sign out.  It's kind of hard to sneak a set of twins with a monstrous stroller into line.  Maybe she was in the giving spirit?  Whatever the reason, I'm so thankful she let us slide by.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Patiently waiting in line.

Finally it's our turn!!

This is where I expected the tears to start...but they never did!

A look back at last year's visit. We were exactly 2 months old!

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