Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Do you know what today is?

I'll answer that question for you. It was a year ago today that I was put on bedrest. I remember thinking that it wasn't a terribly big deal because when I left the hospital, I was told that we would re-evaluate the need for bedrest at my appointment the following week. You can do anything for a week, right? And I *knew* that at my appt I would be told that I could resume my normal activites. Little did I know that things would go further downhill in that week and that I would be on bedrest much, much, MUCH longer.

As badly as bedrest stunk, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if it would lead to the same outcome. Our end result was fantastic - two very healthy babies who came home with us just two days after delivery...something I never thought would be possible. So yup, it was all worth it.

Just a quick update on the girls: Alivia started saying "ma-ma" today. I love it!! And for the first time, they actually giggled with each other. Their normal interactions usually entail stealing toys from one another. But today they were sitting in the hallway when I heard giggling. Naturally, I went to check it out. Addi would touch Livi's face, then they would both laugh. And then Livi would pet Addi's head, and they would both crack up again. This went back and forth for a few minutes. It was so stinking cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the giggles story!
Of course, it reminds me
of my own girls' version
of finding humor in their
early 'discoveries' of each

-- dhsh :D))