Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Are you ready for another picture??

Good appointment today. Dr. L did another Fetal Fibronectin test (the one that is 99% accurate in ruling out a pre-term delivery in the next 2 weeks). I will probably get the results of that tomorrow. She also checked me again, and I still have not dilated any further!! Yippee! She measured my belly...and are you ready? I'm measuring 37 weeks!! And I can sure feel it, because I think Baby B's feet are permanently lodged under my ribs.

We discussed the continued plan for me. At 34 weeks, she will likely take me off of the terbutaline. And they will not stop labor after 34 weeks. So if I go in with increased contractions, they will not try to halt them with more drugs. The only thing I was bummed about is that she will NOT lift the bedrest restrictions until I am about 36-37 weeks.

I haven't treated my reading audience to one of my drawings in a long time, so I thought I would be nice to you today. Here is my depiction of the babies' positions in my belly.

Both babies are head down, with Baby A guarding the exit out. We are 99% certain that Baby A will not be able to flip upright. In fact, that baby has been head down since 18 weeks. So he/she has been pretty stuck in that position. Baby B still has a bit of room to flip...but we are hoping he/she stays put. They aren't always looking at each other either. I'm guessing they probably get sick of each other and turn around...would you want to stare someone in the eye 24 hours a day, days upon days?? I know they turn sometimes, because I often get knees poking out at belly button level while I also have two little sets of feet under my rib cages.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my fantastic artwork! I put a lot of effort into this drawing, so you BETTER appreciate it!

Big ultrasound on Friday. As always, keep your fingers crossed for big, beefy babies!!

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