Saturday, May 25, 2013

Waves, Cats and Halloween

Random, I know.

Emmi loves waving at everyone.  Hi, goodbye, just because...she waves.  At times she says "hiiiiii" when she's waving.  Other times she doesn't.  When someone enters the room...wave.  When someone exits the room...wave.  She'll wave with a toy in her hand.  She'll wave with food in her hand.  And it's all so gosh darn cute.

We adopted two cats from the Humane Society two weeks ago.  We got a mom and her kitten.  The mom is anywhere between one to two years old.  The kitten was just shy of 8 weeks when we adopted them.  They've gone through several names because the girls were a bit indecisive.  Belle and Ariel (none other than the Disney princesses) stuck for a little while.  But currently, and I think this is what their names will remain, the mommy is named Daisy and the kitten is named Dory.  However, most of the time the girls just refer to them as the "mommy cat" and the "baby cat."  Below are their pictures that the Humane Society had posted.

Daisy the mom

Dory the kitten

Lastly...Halloween.  Yes, it's only May.  And yes, Halloween has been brought up on more than one occassion in the last week.  My little girls, my princesses, my pink and purple wearing kids, my play dress up with jewelry and high heels children.  Well...Livi wants to be a princess.  You could see that coming from a mile away, right?  Addi wants to be Spiderman.  Like, desperately.  I'm not entirely sure where the idea came from.   But she's adamant that we find a Spiderman costume for Halloween.  That's fine.  I'll let her be anything she wants to be.  But it kind of came out of the clear blue sky!!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Summer is slowly sneaking in

Slowly but surely we're getting there.  We'll have a few days of pretty nice weather and temps followed by a few days where we have to wear light jackets and long pants again.  It's been rather frustrating, but hopefully summer is here to stay very soon.

The neighbors across the street were having a garage sale the past several days.  The girls thought that that was awesome and begged and pleaded with me to have a garage sale too.  They said that garage sales are "so cool" and would be "so much fun."  Then I asked them what toys they wanted to get rid of and sell to other people.  They quickly decided that garage sales aren't all that great!!

Emmi absolutely adores sharing everything with anyone who's within reach.  Every toy she picks up, she wants to hand to someone.  When she's eating, she wants to feed someone her food.  If she gives us something and we drop it, she picks it up and hands it back.  I wish I could fully describe how cute it is.  She is sooo proud of herself afterwards.  She picks something up, shares it with us, then gives herself a nice little round of applause with a little giggle.  Just adorable.

Yay for swing rides!!

The love these two have for each other is amazing.

Picture of all three = impossible.

Livi running like mad!!

Addi warding off the water with an umbrella.
We've had snow for so long the girls are confused about what to do with the shovels.

Such a sweetie.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Just a little update

Emmi had her 9 month appointment on Monday (yes, I'm a little behind in writing about it).  Dr K said that she is absolutely perfect and she's growing like a weed!!  Our little sweetheart is now 18lbs 3oz (50th percentile) and 29 1/4 inches long (95th percentile).  Still long and skinny.  But Dr K isn't concerned because she's been long and skinny from the she's following her own little growth curve.

And just a funny little occurrence in our house the other day.  Below is what happens when your 4 year old sister leaves her chocolate ice cream cone unattended too close to the edge of the picnic table. To which the 4 year old then states "Emmi is a bully."

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2nd, a nice spring, I mean SNOWY day!!

Yup.  So we didn't just get a little snow.  We got quite the snow storm!!  Last I heard, our total was 8 1/2 inches...which was actually nothing compared to what the totals were about an hour north of here.  Some areas received an astounding 18 inches!!  About a half hour away, the totals were 14-15 inches!  Incredible.  So we were somewhat spared.
The girls were shocked (and mad!!) to wake up to this.  The pool they were swimming in just 4 days earlier was covered with about 1 1/2 inches of snow.

When we got home from work/daycare, the total was about 7 inches.
 Luckily, we made good use of the sun that we had a few days earlier.  Swimming on Sunday (pictures in the last post), in the backyard and at the park on Monday, and we enjoyed more time outside going for a walk on Tuesday.  Hopefully we can get back to the warmer temps.  When the snow first fell back in November, the girls were absolutely thrilled.  But now that they've gotten a taste of being able to wear shorts (in fact, Addi proclaimed Tuesday as the "BEST day EVER" because she got to wear shorts to daycare - it was 80 degrees), they don't want to go back to snow gear.  They both said on the way home from daycare that they HATE the snow.  I agree.  It's nice for Christmas.  But not in May.  Snow, snow, go away!!  Since I will continue to "think spring," here are some pictures from before our snowstorm.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

At the park, collecting pine cones!

Such a sweetie-pie.

I remember just a year ago, they somewhat struggled to walk on this...not anymore!

She thinks she's going to attempt the monkey bars.

What a look!!

So focused.

Emmi's wondering why Livi is trying to dump out her water.

Always willing to smile for the camera.
Playing follow the leader.
Concentrating on getting the lion!

Playing with sissy's sunglasses.