Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

It's 2013 already?  Do you know what that means?  That means that my "babies" will start preschool.  I mean, not until after the summer.  And the new school year needs to begin.  But the way time has been flying, August will be here before we know it!

Over the past week or so, Emmi has really found her voice...and not necessarily in the good way.  She does this screeching/squealing/shrieking thing.  Addi is the only other one I remember doing this.  It can be insanely loud.  The big girls are constantly saying "mom, Emmi's being really loud."  "Mom, Emmi is doing it again."  "Mom, please make her stop."  Knock on wood, but she's toned it down a bit the past couple of days.  But she does it when she's happy, bored, tired, frustrated, getting a diaper changed, playing in her swing, sitting in her bouncy...essentially, it doesn't matter her mood nor where she's at, she's going to screech.  Hopefully it's a short lived phase.

One cute little thing before I sign off for the night.  When I went to pick up the girls from daycare the other day, I walked in and one of the teachers immediately turned to the girls and said "hey girls, tell your mom what you just told me."  My first thought was oh no.  They acted all shy and wouldn't tell me.  So the teacher told me that they said that Emmi is getting too big.  So therefore, we need to have another baby so they can have another baby sister.  Good lord kids!!  I didn't really think they took notice as to how big Emmi is getting so quickly.  But then to request *another* baby in the house?  They already don't like the noise their current baby sister makes!!  They're obviously not thinking this through very well!!

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