Sunday, September 27, 2009

One more step toward non-babyhood

We've started the process of weaning the girls off formula and onto whole milk. I gave them each a taste of whole milk straight and they loved it. So that's definitely not going to be the issue. I just want to make sure that their little tummies handle the transition with no vomiting, diarrhea, etc. I don't foresee any problems because they've never showed allergies or an intolerance to anything else. So we'll just mix bottles 50/50 until our stash of formula is gone...which isn't going to be much longer. We only have 3 large cans left!

And bless their little souls, but they've been sleeping quite a bit better at night (knock on wood). However, what I'm really appreciating is that when they wake up in the morning, I can hear them chit-chatting to each other from across the room. This little conversation usually gives me an extra 20 minutes or so in bed! When one becomes a little whiny, I walk into their bedroom to see two precious faces light up with excitement as they stand and jump in their cribs. Awwww. I scoop them both up and we walk out to the living room where we begin our day.

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